Decorating Tall Rooms

Enter a room with high ceilings and you’ll instantly hear “oohs” and “ahhs”. The challenge comes with figuring out how to decorate the resulting tall walls and make ceilings a part of the interior design plan. If you need help visualizing your tall room, design a room online first to avoid costly mistakes. In the meantime, here is some tip on decorating tall rooms to make the most of a vertically spacious sanctuary.

Visually Reduce Scale On Tall Walls

One of the simplest ways to “lower” the height of ceilings and walls is to create the illusion of it. Large rooms where the furniture and accessories sit in the bottom half can give off an impersonal, cold mood. Painting your ceiling a richer hue than your walls gives a sense of reducing the overall scale of the space.

Deeper shades like rich cocoa in a soft sheen, such as eggshell or pearl, will warm up and balance a large open interior. This is also true when adding texture to your ceiling which adds design interest as well. You can do this with painting techniques, cork, and tiles. Wooden exposed beams offer a natural warmth to ceilings and a rustic element to your design.